Benefits of Bio-Field Scanning
Reduce Supplement intake
By detecting imbalances in the energy fields surrounding the body, biofield scanning can identify where there is a deficiency or imbalance in the body’s energy system. These imbalances can be a sign that the body is not effectively absorbing the vitamins or supplements it needs to function properly. By identifying the specific vitamins or supplements the body needs, biofield scanning can help individuals avoid taking unnecessary supplements, saving time and money in the long run.
Understanding Nutrient Deficiencies
Bio-Field scanning can help identify the root cause of nutrient deficiencies. For example, a deficiency in Vitamin D may not be solely due to a lack of sunlight exposure, but could also be due to a digestive issue or another underlying health concern. By identifying the root cause of nutrient deficiencies, biofield scanning can help individuals address the underlying issue and reduce the need for supplements.
Avoid Negative Interactions
Biofield scanning can identify any negative interactions between supplements and medications. Taking too many supplements can lead to negative interactions with prescribed medications, causing side effects and other health concerns. Biofield scanning can help identify which supplements may have negative interactions with medications, allowing individuals to make informed decisions about their supplement intake.
Increase Nutrient Absorption
Bio-Field scanning can help optimize the body’s ability to absorb and utilize nutrients. By detecting imbalances in the energy fields surrounding the body, biofield scanning can help identify any blockages or imbalances that may be preventing the body from effectively absorbing and utilizing the nutrients it needs. By addressing these imbalances through energy healing or other techniques, individuals may be able to better absorb and utilize the nutrients they need.
Make Better Decisions
Bio-Field scanning can help individuals make informed decisions about their supplement intake. By identifying which supplements the body needs, biofield scanning can help individuals make informed decisions about which supplements to take and which to avoid. This can help reduce the amount of unnecessary supplements individuals take, reducing the risk of negative interactions and the cost of supplement purchases.